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List of products by manufacturer Pablo de Arriba del Amo

For more than twenty years, Pablo de Arriba del Amo has been teaching in the field of sculpture and Fine Arts whilst continuing to create his own artistic pieces. He believes that both discipline and sculptural art are closely linked to the public, who take part in the process and play a key role once the piece is created. "Sculpture is transformed; there is reciprocal participation between the observer and the piece in order to complete it", he explains in an article on the sculptural environment and space. La instalación artística. (Akal, 2009).

The small-scale pieces made using the lost-wax technique of bronze that are on display at Galería Capa warrant a reflection on man from a metaphorical and symbolic angle. Their representation of the individual, whether male or female, intentionally break away from the standards of beauty and harmony and seek to guide the observer's attention more to the shape, to the realistic attitudes and defiant stances, engrossed and tense, which bring human-like features to the figures. The effect caused by the disproportionately large stands upon which the pieces are presented compared to the size of the human representations gives a sense of triviality, of how insignificant man is against everything that surrounds him, like in Hombre I [Man I], and of challenge, power, in other such as Mujer I [Woman I].

The human body, space and new technological tools applied to creative work are the focus of his most recent lines of artistic research



2004. Estampa [Print]. Salón Internacional del Grabado y la Edición de Arte Contemporáneo [International Printmaking and Contemporary Art Fair]. Capa

Sculptures. Madrid.

2003. Estampa [Print]. Salón Internacional del Grabado y la Edición de Arte Contemporáneo [International Printmaking and Contemporary Art Fair]. Capa

Sculptures. Madrid.

2002. Lineart. Ghent 2002. Capa Esculturas.

2001. Collective exhibition. Capa Esculturas inauguration. Brussels, Belgium

1996. Estampa [Print]. Salón Internacional del Grabado y la Edición de Arte Contemporáneo [International Printmaking and Contemporary Art Fair]. Capa

Sculptures. Madrid.

1995. Inclusion in Capa Esculturas. Madrid.

1990. Solo exhibition. Galería Veiga. Madrid.



Hombre III and Hombre IV [Man III and Man IV] sculptures acquired to be placed in the Spanish Embassy in Washington. Pascua Ortega Study-Empty



1988. First Prize in "Draft" Sculpture Competition Galería Veiga. Madrid.

1987. Scholarship from the Secretary of State for Universities and Research for the Personal Research Training Plan.

1986. Scholarship from the Secretary of State for Universities and Research for the Personal Research Training Plan.

1985. First Prize in National End of University Studies Awards.

Grant from Provincial Government of Palencia to carry out further studies abroad.

First Prize in Sculpture Competition, Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid.

First Prize for Sculpture, Villa de Ayllón. Segovia.

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items